New Bulk Order Pricing from $12 a Card!

by | Jul 23, 2022 | News & Updates

Over the last three weeks we have been hard at work not only grading all the amazing cards you have been sending in, but at the request of several of you, improving our bulk ordering options! Here’s how.

Integration into our main order form

No more, flipping to a different form just to order in bulk, it was a quick stop gap at launch and was always high on our list of things we wanted to improve, and we’ve worked super hard to get it to you as soon as possible. The form is now smart enough to look at the quantity of cards in your submission and apply a tiered discount price dependant on that quantity. I hear you, I hear you… don’t worry, the savings are juicy.

Bulk order discount tiers

We have 4 discount tiers that are automatically activated at 10+, 30+ 50+ and 100+ cards, we’ve created a little graphic to explain this in a little more detail below.

When using our cheapest tier you will get the following discounts:

10+ Cards – 10% discount

30+ Cards – 20% discount

50+ Cards – 25% discount

100+ Cards – 35% discount


See how much you’re saving

We always like to make things fun, so of course we added a fun little field to show you just how much you’re saving with every additional card once you add 10.

So what are you waiting for! Get those orders in and start saving right now. In the meantime keep your eyes peeled for some exciting new Mana Studio updates to be announced in the coming weeks!

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