All the Charizard’s in the Top 100 of Pokemons Illustration Contest 2022

by | May 21, 2022 | News & Updates, Pokemon

From 100,000 entries to 100. Pokemons Illustration contest has been narrowed down to a top 100, and how they quite did it we aren’t sure. We thought we’d spread the love for the top 100 Pokemon by Pokemon, and we are starting with the legendary fire-breather himself, Charizard.

So let’s jump in and take a look at all of the incredible Charizards that have made the top 100.

Artwork by – Miyanose Natsumi

Artwork by – Tessy

Artwork by – Rondo

Artwork by – Torako

Artwork by – Susumu Kuroi

Artwork by – Marina Chikazawa

Artwork by – Sakuma

Artwork by – Bryce Warner

Artwork by – Jeffrey Evan

The contest will have one hell of a prize too. One Grand Prize Winner from either Japan or the United States will receive a cash value of $5,000 AND their illustration will be made into an official promo card, so we thought we’d also have a sneaky peek at what they might look like. Be sure to let us know your favorite in the comments below!

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